Europa e África - «Living Peace International»
A ESSL colaborou na construção de uma ponte entre a Europa e África, no âmbito do Living Peace International, um caminho de educação para a paz.
Na verdade, os alunos que frequentam a disciplina de Inglês, do 12.º ano, participaram, na manhã do dia 18 de outubro, num encontro por Zoom com alunos de Itália, do Uganda e do Quénia, no âmbito do projeto AFRESH - Africa and Europe Same Horizon.
Os grupos dos quatro países envolvidos realizaram várias atividades com curiosidades sobre cada país, partilharam informação e conhecimentos sobre os Sustainable Development Goals - Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável -, e terminaram com um quiz e uma canção portuguesa sobre o SDG 5, escolhido pelos nossos alunos: igualdade de género. Os alunos aderiram com empenho e salientaram o quão enriquecedora foi a iniciativa.
Nas palavras dos nossos alunos:
- “learned a lot about other cultures and it was amazing to see different realities”, Diogo Aguiar
- “I thought today’s experience was enriching. It was great to talk about present subjects with people from other countries”, Gabriela Castro
- “A very interesting experience, where I had the opportunity to learn new things and get to know a little more about other cultures”, Inês Costa
- “I think this was a incredible and interesting experience because we had the opportunity to learn a bit more about other countries cultures”, Laura Barbosa
- “It touched rather interesting topics, I believe it was carried out nicely as well, so my experience was overly positive”, Ori (Nuno) Matos
- “Very unique and interesting”, Tomás Tavares
- “Today's online meeting allowed us to know more about other countries such as Uganda, Kenya and Italy, and it was a fun experience”, Ana Rita Martins
- “I really enjoyed this experience where I learned more about countries like Uganda, Italy and Kenya”, Andreia Castro
- “Today’s online exchange experience was enriching. It helped us understand other cultures”, Beatriz Costa
- “A lot of cultures summed up in a very interesting way”, Filipa Paiva
- “I liked hearing people from other countries and cultures and I learned a lot. It was a great experience”, Íris Merino
- “I liked a lot this exchange, because it was different than normal and we get to do new things”, Margarida Rocha
- “I really liked this meeting, and I think it was really important for everyone”, Maria Miguel Leal
- “It was really interesting, and fun”, Maria Resende
- “We learned about other cultures and had a lot of fun doing the activities”, Mariana Santos e Victória Lima
- “In my opinion, today's meeting was unique and interesting”, Sofia Machado